Image Making
2014 - 2019
Rant! And Feel Better
Rant! And Feel Better
“Rant! And Feel Better” is a Ranting platform that allows users to rant their pent up unhappiness in hopes to feel better.
It is an app that allows users to tap into community effort for support, whre each user would help each other through thoughts and advices. At the same time, users anonymity is kept private to provide a safe space for people to share.
Ultimately in hopes to vent out unhappiness to feel better again.
“Rant! And Feel Better” is a Ranting platform that allows users to rant their pent up unhappiness in hopes to feel better.
It is an app that allows users to tap into community effort for support, whre each user would help each other through thoughts and advices. At the same time, users anonymity is kept private to provide a safe space for people to share.
Ultimately in hopes to vent out unhappiness to feel better again.
Tactile Poster
Print Making
Sg 50: Landmarks
and Birthmarks
The Cathay

Part of the Sg 50: Landmarks and Birthmarks Exhibition, by Temasek Polytechnic, School of Design, HYBRID is a tactile poster on the Cathay Building at 2 Handy Road.
The Cathay Building has a rich history spanning way past the world war and have been through many changes to become what it is today. Hence, the idea of the poster was to marry the past and the future yet to come.
Old with the new. Art deco with Avantgarde.
Further inspiredby Caroline Rothwell's Fauna Hybrid, the line are deliberately made to be filmsy and roughly drawn to give of the uncertain, sketch look of the future.
This Piece of work was exhibitied at part of the Sg 50: Landmarks and Birthdamarks Exhibition, by Temasek Polytechnic, School of design at the National Design Centre
